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Manage your closet

Wardrobe must haves : Black and nude Pumps, black,beige, and navy blazer, cream/beige, black, and grey slacks.( same applies for skirts and dresses) Once you have started building the foundation to your wardrobe, the next step is simply adding.  The above mentioned (when paired correctly) can transition from work, to happy hour.


Don't deny denim: Times have changed, and it is not frowned upon to own great jeans, emphasis on great. There are do's and don'ts to buying denim.


Splash of color:  If you have the basics (wardrobe must haves) and your ready to add color start off with adding 2 other colors to your wardrobe.  Two easy colors to add are red, and royal blue. 


Accessories: I can't say it enough, ACCESSORIZE, ACCESSORIZE, ACCESSORIZE! A necklace and pair of earrings can make or break and outfit. An outfit with no accessories, is like salad with no salad dressing, doesn't sound too hot does it? 






















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